Commission on Ministry

Within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the ordering of ministry is assigned to the Regional Church. What follows is the vision and mission of the Florida Disciples regional Church Commission on Ministry (COM):

To serve as Journey Partners, in covenant ministry, cultivating pastoral leaders equipped to lead and serve everybody, everywhere.

To cultivate ministers able to lead in a global context by creating and maintaining A COMPREHENSIVE SUPPORT SYSTEM that will guide vocational discernment and offer accompaniment at all points along the journey of those who have said "yes" to God's call to ministry.

All Ordained and Commissioned Pastors are required to complete a standing form each year. This is required for listing in the Year Book and Directory for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), which is the primary source of credentialing verification used by the IRS. 

NOTE: All Active and Active-Retired ministers are also required to complete Boundary Training and Anti-Racism/Pro-Reconciliation (AR/PR) Training every five years to remain in good standing with the Florida Disciples Regional Church. For more information go to the Events/Training page.

The Code of Ethics and Policies & Procedures are the two documents referenced in the Request for Standing; if you need to review these documents, click the buttons.

You may download the Standing Form to your computer or other device by clicking on the blue button above. From there, complete the form and save it. 

You may print out the completed & signed form and mail it to the address below, or attached the completed form to an email and send it to:

Florida Disciples Regional Church
6455 E. Silver Springs Blvd
Silver Springs, FL  34488